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$5.85 kg delivered is a great price.


I am still stocked up from the 20kg I recently bought.


If you are going to stock up with LDM then I suggest to ensure that the package/container is sealed all the time. Moisture plays havoc with it. I have mine in 500g ziplock bags.

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I use the glad ziplock bags purely because of quality and they have a white strip where you can write on. I don't have my LDM in the fridge and suggest not to as I feel the fridge may cause it to condensate inside the bag, which you don't want. These bags are also just big enough to hold 500g.


I have never had a problem with using them and all I do is fill the bag with 500g then try squeeze the remaining air out as you seal it.




I also usually buy Dextrose in 9Kg lots and do the same thing but use the smaller bags which just squeeze in 250g.




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