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Storing hops


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Hey just a quick question guys, how long can you keep your hops for and how do you store them most effectivly?


I get my hops from CraftBrewer and just leave them in that alfoil pack they come in and sealed it back up with one of those clips for putting on chip packets etc. then leave them in the fridge.


Is this correct? How long should they last?

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I store mine in small containers and keep them keep in the freezer.


SWMBO thinks I take up too much room in the freezer though. It gives me an excuse to brew more beer to get rid of them.


I'm not sure how long they last though.

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Are they pellets or whole leaf?

Hops enemies are light, temperature and oxygen. They would be best vacuum sealed in bags that will not let in oxygen and then stored in freezer. Freezer bags would be better choice than ziplock sandwich bags as they will let in oxygen and you would likely get freezer burn. Pellets would have less surface area and would hence be a better choice for storage.



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I keep mine in ziplock bags which I store in a plastic cliplock food container. I personally think ziplock bags are fine for the freezer and are likely to have the same amount of oxygen in them if you remove what you can before sealing them - If they are of decent quality they seal well. I keep soup and stock in them and they never leak.

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I keep mine in ziplock bags which I store in a plastic cliplock food container. I personally think ziplock bags are fine for the freezer and are likely to have the same amount of oxygen in them if you remove what you can before sealing them - If they are of decent quality they seal well. I keep soup and stock in them and they never leak.


My wife advises me I am out of date on sandwich bags and showed me they have a freezer tick on them. However I have always purchase the storage zip lock bags by Hercules that are supposedly designed for freezer use and have a double zip on them.


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