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Complaint and commendation!


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So, the other day I decided that the next beer I would brew would be the Sparkling Ale, so off I went to grab a can. Turns out its harder than I imagined! After visiting every supermarket and home brew store in my area, I read on the website that the Coopers General Store is at the airport.


So I drove down there, paid through the nose for airport parking and got through security and FINALLY! I arrived at the Coopers Store.


There was the DIY beer instructional DVD playing on the TVs in store, plus cans of extract sitting decoratively on the shelf behind the counter so I thought I'd be in luck.


I asked the girl there for a Sparkling Ale extract can, and the response I got was 'sorry we don't sell home brew ingredients here.' I felt like saying 'but the can I need is RIGHT THERE!! Right behind you!!' But no, I was told you can only buy the Thomas Cooper Selection cans online! Madness! Talk about raising false hopes.


So I walked outside the airport feeling incredibly frustrated after wasting most of the day, and I called the Coopers Homebrewer's Hotline and spoke to a guy named Frank, who was very friendly. Turns out the only place that sells those cans is at Holden Hill, way over the other side of the city.


But seeing as I was reasonably close to the brewery myself, Frank suggested that I make a trip there and visit Reception where there would be a box of ingredients waiting for me, as long as I made a donation to the Coopers Foundation, which I was very happy to do.


So I went down to the Brewery and sure enough the box of goodies was waiting for me.


And the best part- when I got home I discovered there was a can of Thomas Cooper's IPA in there as well!!! WOOHOO!!


So top marks to Frank and his think-outside-the-square customer service. God bless Coopers.


But pleaaaaase, could Coopers stop the false advertising at the Store at the airport, and maybe make the Thomas Coopers cans more easily available?

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you will see on this page the statement, ALL DIY BEER PRODUCTS are only available ONLINE


Please let us know where you have seen something that leads you to believe that DIY Beer products are available for sale from the General Store shopfront at Adelaide Airport.



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Gday PB2,


I guess I made an incorrect assumption that since a physical address listed for Coopers is on the online store, that that would be the place that shipped out the products, therefore I could purchase in person.


I didn't want to buy online as since I live in Adelaide it would be silly to pay for shipping when I could just pick it up myself. And seeing as other Coopers home brew products are sold in stores I thought the Thomas Coopers cans would be no different.




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you will see on this page the statement, ALL DIY BEER PRODUCTS are only available ONLINE


Please let us know where you have seen something that leads you to believe that DIY Beer products are available for sale from the General Store shopfront at Adelaide Airport.


I am somewhat confused sorry Paul. I can get the Thomas Coopers range at my LHBS yet you say here that they are only available online. [unsure]


Am I reading this incorrectly?

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Yes, the Thomas Coopers Selection is intended to be a point of difference for brewing specialist stores. Mind you, some stores choose not to stock Coopers products at all.[annoyed]


BREW Cellar distributes our TC range throughout Australia.

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Hey All,

I also live in Adelaide, and I get all my tins online. I normally get 6 - 8 tins of wort or extract at a time and postage is only around $8, less the 10% for being in The Order Of Cooper I break even. Really not worth the hassel of driving around and always have somthing to brew.

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Yeah I might consider doing that in the future. The other day I was dead keen to get a can then and there as it was my only day off for a week so I wanted to get the brew happening while I had some spare time.


Anyway, I'm super pumped to get the IPA going as from all reports I've read it seems to be a favourite out of all the Coopers kits.

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You lucky lot that live in Adelaide. I couldn't really contemplate buying online because the postage to get it here is huge.


Although I have a two fairly handy Homebrew Shops around me that stock up big on "fresh" Coopers gear. They sell it at a reasonable price as well and even try to compete with the supermarkets with the International and OS stuff.


I choose him over the supermarkets now as it is always a friendly chat over a Fat Yak clone.

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I live in Sydney and I can get 5Kg of brew products delivered from Queensland for $8. I realise that Adelaide is a little further from Sydney than Brisbane but I don\u2019t think $22 more.

Adelaide to Sydney 1427Km Brisbane to Sydney 1010 Km diference 417Km.

Say half as far again from Brisbane, so half as much added to the Brisbane price makes frieght from Adelaide $12.



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