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PET bottle identification ideas


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Got several different brews at different stages, using the Coopers PET bottles for all of them. Short of marking the lids (will want to recycle them) or stickers on the bottles any other ideas to ID the brews.


Will be recycling the bottles and tops so figured it I started putting stickers on it will start getting out of hand after a few times round.


Any ideas would be great!




PS Just having a Grolsh from a flip top bottle (find the excuse to buy them so I get the bottles) and wondering if there are any recommendations for a kit that\u2019s like it or Heineken, Carlsberg etc..

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I just use little circle stickers like these:



Write a code for each brew (English Bitter = EB, Stout = St) and stick them to the lid. They come off super easy and leave no sticky residue.


That's pretty good. i was always put off stickers cause i spend so much time cleaning the friggin bottles i didn't want more work. No sticky residue and comes off easy sounds good. I myself currently just put one label on each milk crate to mark my beers however this system falls apart when i put a variety in the fridge [pinched]

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I just use little circle stickers like these:



Write a code for each brew (English Bitter = EB, Stout = St) and stick them to the lid. They come off super easy and leave no sticky residue.


This is exactly what I do for my PET and grolsch bottles - I usually don't even bother taking them off and just put the new sticker on the old one (of course this only works a few times). Naturally with my crown seal bottles I just write the code on the lid [biggrin]


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I have found with the crown seal caps that when I write on them, even after several hours if I brush them the marking comes off.


This seems to be an issue when I play around with my bottles alot [innocent]. It could also be the cheap caps that I buy. I might have to try some differant caps and see what happens. I think last time I checked it cost me around %5 to get 250 caps with stickers.

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I use stickers on the lid as well,but have different colours for each type of beer. I'm using 12mm round labels made by dats

$1.50 for 520 stickers from bargin stores(5 different colours).so if I leave one type of beer with no stickers I have 6 colour coded beer types.

I also record basic information on the box beer type,a/v,bottling date and batch number from my brewing log.


You said that you didn't want to use stickers though. One way might be to make your own labels. Put a dab of milk on the back to attach them to your bottles, they will come off easily when soaked. I use the labels if going to a bbq or party etc(looks much better)but use the stickers for home use.




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Since you only have 5 differant colours and one brew with no colours, does this mean you can only store 6 brews[crying].


I have 11 sitting there aging at the moment and one that I am drinking. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep brewing because I ran out of room.

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A PERMANENT marker works fine on all the different crown seals I have marked.


A buddy uses the different color round lid stickers for each style, eg Ale, Bitter, Lager AND 3 letter coding.


HOWEVER, recently a pair of SNAILS got to his storage area and stripped off all the color and codes from the lids from six crates of beer!!!

Compounding the problem is the fact his SWMBO (who also brews) had recently condensed his collection into fewer, mixed crates as she needed the room for her brew!!


Needless to say, he now has six crates of Pot Luck Snail Ale! [annoyed]


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Since you only have 5 differant colours and one brew with no colours' date=' does this mean you can only store 6 brews[crying'].


I have 11 sitting there aging at the moment and one that I am drinking. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep brewing because I ran out of room.




No.[happy] I have 4 different batches of pale ale,all with the same colour top(green), 3 Stouts(red) and so on. All up I have 6 different types of coopers beers totaling around 22ctns of PET bottles.


I've got a TC sparkling ale brewing atm which will be a seventh beer so maybe I'll buy a different colour sticker for that.[innocent]









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I use labels when I'm sending beers in to be reviewed on webcasts,or giving away. Maybe if/when folks come over & we have home brews ready to serve with pit bbq or something. I used a program from paint.net that replaces Microsoft paint with one that has some photoshop features to design labels. I can do all manner of shapes & colors,then add pics to them I can resize,etc. Here's my latest label I made with it,it's "generic",so I can change the beer name,BOD, & ABV;http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss71/unionrdr/lblpic.jpg The name of the beer will go in the orange field. Just an example of what can be done with the paint.net program.

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I just write on the lids with a silver marking pen, when I bottle a new batch I just line up the bottles dab some turps with a snall brush on the letters on the lids, leave for a couple of min and whipe off with a cloth damped with turps. Clean as can be.


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