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Ignore The Air Lock.. or..


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After 2 brews in a row didn't show any activity in the air lock & I therefore stressed unneccessarily for 5 or 6 day's , only to discover the sg had dropped nicely & the brews turned out fine , I decided to replace the little "o" ring seal for the air lock.

The last 2 brews made the air lock work overtime again & early peace of mind is restored. [happy]


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Hey Muddy I'm about to put my fermenter in my bar fridge and won't be able to use my airlock, is their any particular way you use glad wrap i.e do you just use a rubber band and do you put a pin prick in the top?

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Jarrod, yes the rubber ring from the lid works fine. Just a single piece of glad wrap is needed & no you don't have to put a pin prick in it, the CO2 will find a way out.


I have converted to glad wrap & had no problems.


Totally agree with Muddy,brewing your own beer should be enjoyed not a cause of stress.

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The new coopers fermenters surprisingly dont include / use / need airlocks. I brewed years ago, never without an airlock. Having started up again and Mr Coopers say i dont need an airlock....well i'm darned if i'll argue [lol]


I suppose if your sanitary, the critical period is straight after you put your brew down and after that when fermentation begins, C02 keeps things sterile in there, you dont need airlocks.


Just a matter of correct gravity readings for bottling, i think [innocent]

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