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sterilising crown seal caps.


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Keeping in mind that cleanliness is close to holinness , I have been sterilising my crown seal bottle caps , then rinsing them with hot water before capping.Is this advisable or am I taking paranoia toward infection to a higher level ?


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Keeping in mind that cleanliness is close to holinness , I have been sterilising my crown seal bottle caps , then rinsing them with hot water before capping.Is this advisable or am I taking paranoia toward infection to a higher level ?


What are you sterilising the caps with?


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At the brewery, the crown seals are supplied in large cardboard bulk bins. They are tipped straight from the bin, onto a magnetic belt, into the capping carousel and pushed onto the bottles.


Coopers Crown Seals, straight from the pack, don't require sanitising.

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Keeping in mind that cleanliness is close to holinness , I have been sterilising my crown seal bottle caps , then rinsing them with hot water before capping.Is this advisable or am I taking paranoia toward infection to a higher level ?


What are you sterilising the caps with?

sodium percarbonate (coopers sanitiser).

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At the brewery, the crown seals are supplied in large cardboard bulk bins. They are tipped straight from the bin, onto a magnetic belt, into the capping carousel and pushed onto the bottles.


Coopers Crown Seals, straight from the pack, don't require sanitising.

Thanks PB2 & yeh I have been using your caps.I'll probably only sanitise from now on if I drop one one the laundry floor.
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I soak mine in a clorine solution(not too strong) rince them then soak them in hot (not boiling) water, then rince a coulpe of times. As i use them i mark the side with a 1 next time another 1 when I get to 1111 marks I dump them and use new tops. Maybe I'm perdantic![pinched]


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