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A Beer Widow


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There was a funny article in The Age this morning, written by a beer widow. I'll get my wife to read it, so that she knows that she's not the only one.




Life is never dull with a beer tragic in the house.


He Began in 2006, with a modest Coopers\u2019 home brew kit. Almost three years on, the beers are magnificent and the domestic tussles between The Brewer and I occasionally epic. You might call me a Beer Widow. Or a Beer Princess. Depending on your point of view.


Many an evening has passed where I go to bed hours before The Brewer, who is either glued to a beer website or doing something weird with a hose in the kitchen.


On summer nights, I fall asleep to the gentle "pop" of the fermenter \u2014 moved into our bedroom, swaddled in a towel and ice, because it is the coolest place in the house.




You might enjoy a read of it too. The rest of the story can be found at:




http://www.theage.com.au/news/entertain ... 51362.html

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