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Black IPA

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It's not a style I have tried a lot of but I have had a couple and they were quite nice. They weren't mind blowing though so I may have to look around for some more.


Could probably add some Carafa Special with the Choc.

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This style is on my to-do list in the near future. I haven't done a lot of research on a recipe as of yet but from the few I've tried it would easily be described as Porter/IPA blend.


I have lots of really dark malt in stock right now so skies' the limit!

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Craftbrewer do one in there FWK called Obama IPA, I had the opportunity to have it in Canberra on tap in a pub there and it was excellent, Ive since bought it from CB and although a bit pricey, still excellent.


It was originally made for Obama's visit to Australia and put on tap in the Wig and Pen Craftbrew pub, which actually never happenned at the time.


They wont give up the recipe as far as I can tell but maybe they can pre-grind/pack the grain for a full or partial, they list the recommended yeast/finishing hops and ABV so maybe they would also give you the IBU's



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