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Stiegl Pilsener recipe?


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Hi all, had a lovely one of these on tap, whilst sat in the sun this weekend..

I like it and I want to make it!

Anyone know a good extract recipe for something close?

(Bet you can't reply without mentioning the word 'skunkiness')

Cheers jay

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Hey there Your Skunkiness,


I have tried the Stiegl Goldbrau (??) but not the Pilsener. Is this more of a German Pilsener but with Saaz hops?


Perhaps you could start with this recipe:


Czech Pils


You could change the fermentables to be:


500g LDM

500g Dex


to give it a drier finish. It might not be spot on but it should still be a nice drop.


It isn't a full extract recipe but the Thomas Coopers Pilsener Kit is excellent and worth using.

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Heh. Not sure about the hops, maybe I should stop being lazy and do some research eh. I like the look of the Czech Pils recipe. You reckon the dex would be better then eh? It embarrasses me to say this so I'll whisper it...but I think I might've been adding too much dex of late, as my beers are coming out 6.5% which is great in theory but they taste like someone's spiked em with Vodka'


Maybe I'll do 750 Ldm and 250 dex. There's a nice compromise


Cheers j

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Being in Austria (the homeland of Stiegl!), I've just gone and bought a bottle of Stiegl Pils to test it, I also bought a bottle of Stiegl Goldbr\xe4u (and a couple of other beers [joyful] ) just for comparison. I'm familiar with them all, but nothing compares to a side by side comparison. The Pils is much drier and bitter than the Goldbr\xe4u, it also has much more hop aroma. The Czech Pils recipe would be a good starting point, and you can go from there. Maybe if it turns out thicker or more sweet then do just as Hairy has suggested and substitute 500g dextrose for 500g of the malt extract. But I would certainly suggest adding Saaz hops as there is a certain Saaz aroma present when drinking the pils.


One other note is the head retention was the best of all the beers I bought so, I assume it would be trial and error of finding that right balance of malt to dextrose.


I personally think it's a great beer to try and clone, it certainly stands out against many of the other austrian beers!

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Love to be sat in a beer garden on a warm European summers evening, In the shadow of the Austrian Alps, casually drinking steines of Steigl, watching the world go by. All the time in the world. Magic that'd be.


Think I'm gonna just go the Czech Pils and add some Carapils. And see how that goes.


Thanks guys will let you know how it turns out (in about 4 months time)


Cheers j

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