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Toucan Stout


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Went to the LHBS and was after an Original Cooper's Stout to make a Cooper's Best Extra Stout recipe as per the recipe here. the LHBS didn't/doesn't carry the "Original" series line only the TC line. So I bought the ingredients as stated [using the TC Stout instead].


Once I returned home I found another recipe by PB2 for the Best Extra Stout using a Toucan of OS Stout, a Dark Ale and 1KG Dex.So wish I'd done a little more surfing of the Cooper's forum 1st.


So I was thinking of this as a Toucan recipe, what are your thoughts?


1 can TC Irish stout

1 can Dark ale

1 can Liquid Dark Malt Extract

0.5KG dex


expected OG 1084 FG 1020

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Went to the LHBS and was after an Original Cooper's Stout to make a Cooper's Best Extra Stout recipe as per the recipe here. the LHBS didn't/doesn't carry the "Original" series line only the TC line. So I bought the ingredients as stated [using the TC Stout instead].


Once I returned home I found another recipe by PB2 for the Best Extra Stout using a Toucan of OS Stout, a Dark Ale and 1KG Dex.So wish I'd done a little more surfing of the Cooper's forum 1st.


So I was thinking of this as a Toucan recipe, what are your thoughts?


1 can TC Irish stout

1 can Dark ale

1 can Liquid Dark Malt Extract

0.5KG dex


expected OG 1084 FG 1020


Id just do the traditional toucan....

1 Dark Ale

1 Stout

1kg Dextrose

Both kit yeast


Bottle then put away until next winter [love]


I generally wouldn't suggest 1kg dextrose. However, this recipe needs it in my opinion.

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