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I took advantage of the freight free offer before Xmas and ordered in some English Bitter and LDM, neither product is available in Alice so it was a god send to be able to get hold of some without mortgaging the house to get it freighted here. I make a double brew most times and so used two of the sets of ingerients and brewed as normal, I spent quite a bit of extra time in cleaning and sanitizing the fermenter and bottles, I thought because it is so hard to get good ingerdients I would make sure I didn't have a dud.....well I cracked the first sampler a couple of weeks ago and it tasted like the dregs of an Afghan camel drivers wash water! I was very dissapointed but refused to panic, It was one of the last bottles bottled and I thought perhaps I had a bit much yeast carry over and only being a month old it may subside, I have tried a couple since, and though not as bad the taste was still there, I tried one last night and it is getting better but I can still taste the slight influence of the trub, I have put the rest of the ingredients on for a new batch so hoping that one will be OK, The tainted one seems to be getting better so I hope it will improve, I intend to leave it another month now berore I try again. It is very dissapointing, the brew looks great, good head retention, good colour just tastes like......[pinched]

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If it is getting better (even a little) then that is a good sign. It should eventually become more drinkable.


If it was an infection then it would likely get worse over time.


Good luck with the current batch.


Also, I checked the How to Brew book for "dregs of an Afghan camel drivers wash water" taste. It doesn't appear to be a common off-flavour [biggrin]

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