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Rippa Real Ale.


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Have to crow about this one.[happy]

O/S Real ale (best b4 7/1/13)

1kg Brewing sugar

500g LDM

23l water. Brewed on 18/4/11 og 1042. Bottled 24/4/11 fg 1010.

temp. range in fv 18-24deg c.

Drinking today at 8 day mark & its a li'l ripper !

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Nice Damo. If you think thats good, try:

1 Real Ale

1kg LDM

250g Dextrose

30g Fuggles @ 5mins

English Ale yeast (dry yeast ok)

23 litres

Ferment at 17 degrees



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Thanks Greg , I may give your recipe a go next (wrote it down at least)& the weathers right for it here at the moment but will need to research the fuggles bit.Have seen it mentioned on the forum.




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Fuggles is a type of english hop. You can get it from your brew shop or order online. It has a very nice flavour and aroma to it. Im loving it at the moment, probably because the house beer is an All Grain English Pale Ale/Bitter that has shed loads of Fuggles (probably not entirely to style, but who cares).


If you want to add some complexity and colour, add say 150g of Cystal malt (grain) steeped for about 20mins. [happy]

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Cheers for that. I can drop by one of the home brew shops as they should have Fuggles.How does this recipe compare to natures gift "sparkling ale " as I want to have a crack at that also.(T.C. series).

I like malty ale so have just been making the recipe on the brewing sugar box . They have all been a really good drink but this last one is the best yet & I'm not sure if it were a result of the wort batch being a really good one or the brewing temp. (the others were a little higher 22-28deg).


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this is one i put down a while back that can't keep my hands off![bandit] i call it "The Real Canadian"[biggrin]


23L water

1.7 Real Ale kit

882g (1/2 can) can blonde kit


14g cooper's kit yeast

189g dex for priming


OG 1.052 FG 1.012 AVB%5.8

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Gidday Chad , thanks for the recipe [happy] , its now also in my notes & I havent been able to leave this latest real ale alone either [lol] . I have gone back to priming my ale bottles (750ml) with 6grms of raw sugar & were intersted in why you prime your "Real Canadian" with dextrose ?



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muddy hit the nail on the head there. in 500ml of boiled water 189g of dex pretty much disappears. besides, when i'm priming my brews i am only looking for bubbles not flavour, body or taste. just bubbles...[joyful]


i do wonder though if dark beers would benefit from using raw or brown sugar or even molasses. any thoughts?

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I've tried bulk priming with, demarrara sugar, brown sugar and raw sugar, in amounts up to 200g. I can't honestly say I could detect any extra flavour. Maybe with the demarrara sugar if I tried really hard but I tend to think it was my imagination.


I'm yet to try molasses as primer. From memory (doesn't always serve me correctly when beer is involved)it was around 75% fermentable, in which case you'd be using more to achieve the desired result. If I had to guess I'd say you could detect it in quantities of 200g or so.


These are just my observations though.[innocent]

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Hi guy's , to save me the time browsing through the 21,000,posts in 2,500 topics (apologies if I'm going over old ground)... What exactly is bulk priming ?[innocent]



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long story short, you place the appropriate amount of sugar (I use sugar, can be dissolved in an amount of water to ensure thorough mixing) in a second FV and connect to original. Drain wort into second FV. When all is in second FV bottle as usual, without any other priming. I use a botler with tube connected to the tap to save picking up each bottle. google bulk priming for more detail. country brewer have a good FAQ sheet on it.


SAves a lot of bugerising about!

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Hi guy's ' date=' to save me the time browsing through the 21,000,posts in 2,500 topics (apologies if I'm going over old ground)... What exactly is bulk priming ?[innocent']




There is also a search function on this site at the bottom right corner of your page. This saves people from having to browse all posts. [rightful]


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Thanks Greg , I may give your recipe a go next (wrote it down at least)& the weathers right for it here at the moment but will need to research the fuggles bit.Have seen it mentioned on the forum.





No need to research easy peasy ebay. And a good price, vacuumed sealed. I have got a few off this guy and great quality and fast delivery.



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Hi guy's & thanks ,so Muddy dextrose disolves quickly & can provide a tighter head , Chad u say it also gives good bubbles, interesting observations thanks.I have been using raw sugar to prime & get very good results in terms of carbonation.

Thanks for the brief tutorial in bulk priming Trusty.( I know we are talking much larger volumes but I also prefer a teaspoon of raw sugar in my coffee for taste..)

Bill , thanks for pointing out where the search box was for me (must have had an ale under my nose & couldn't see that far down the screen).

Craig , cheers for the Ebay link.


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The search function works ok but you'll get better results by enterning "site:coopers.com.au" into google with your subject on the end.


For bulk priming you would enter the following into google:

site:coopers.com.au bulk priming


well buggar me... you learn something new everyday.

So am I right to say that if you google, "site:xxxxxxx subject" this will then search only the site entered, the subject you want?


If so, that is handy to know, thanks Muddy. [cool]


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hi warren,


i used the other 1/2 can in an IPA that went like this:


23L water

1.7 Kg cooper's TC IPA

905g cooper's Can Blonde

566g amber malt

28g cascade 20min

14g cascade F-out

14g cooper's kit yeast

OG 1.046 FG 1.012 ABV 5%


it's an all malt brew with a deep amber colour and great balance of strong hops/full body. i just finished the last sip in the mug. at 2 1/2 months it is tasting pretty good.[cool]



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