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Cinnamon and Honey


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I have a plan to do a Cinnamon and Honey brew so was wondering if anyone know of any recipes already made or maybe I should just experiment and start from scratch?


One question I need to ask though, when using Honey, am I right to assume not to put it in hot water (it should be added in cold)?

Why I say this is because I have heard that the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the honey. OR is this what it is supposed to do to retain a sanitary brew?


I am thinking of around 400-500g honey but have no idea of how much cinnamon so I'm open for any ideas of quantity please. I don't want it over bearing just a suttle hint of flavour.

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I haven't made a beer with cinnamon but as for honey I would pasturise it first. Those little enzymes that will be killed off may cause nasty things to happen you your beer.


Honey also fully ferments out as well, so after a while you may not be able to taste the honey.


Next brew I do I was thinking of using honey as the priming sugar, that way the taste of honey may last a little longer, I am still working on a way to make it easy to do.

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I don't see the point in using honey as a primer, too much guess work for me, and the little bit needed, I reckon, would not have any more effect on taste than using 300-400gms in the ferment. There was another thread, which I couldn't find, where I'm pretty sure Paul said there is no need to boil honey (it is an natural antiseptic). of course this might be different if there is bits of toast, vegemite and margerine in the honey pot. A new squeezy bottle just for brewing is the go.


Cinnamon is used in the Old Spice recipe in the How to Brew drawer.

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Cinnamon is used in the Old Spice recipe in the How to Brew drawer.


That's great thanks Trusty. I must have over looked that one and will make my life easy. I'll use that recipe and just add honey [bandit]

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