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Maximising brew fridge space


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If i am brewing a pale ale, do i need to keep the FV in the brew fridge the whole time during fermentation. I read on another forum that it was only the first few days that needed temp control, as this was when the yeast is most active. I have a spare FV and would like to maximise my brewing of APA. Would fermenting for 1 week at 20 deg and then removing from the brew fridge to continue fermantation at ambient (25 to 30deg) affect the flavour? This would allow me to brew an APA weekly. ATM i have been brewing OS stout in the spare at ambient

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In an ideal situation we would always try to keep the yeast at their favourite temperature.


I feel sure you would not taste any difference if you let the temperature rise a few degrees outside the recommended range after 7 days as FG will likely be reached by then.


it would be great if i didnt have to tie the brew fridge up for a fortnight, just for one brew. cheers John, i hope the other lads agree[biggrin]

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