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all malt beer


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That was my other thought. I'm not really sure how that would taste though .. would be quite sweet I'd imagine. Of course, it is possible to make beer from all malt + your hop additions, every brewery in the world brews beer like that. Although I believe the megaswill factories add sugar to it as well... could be wrong though.

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The few brewery tours I have been on they all add sugar.

The most recent was Carlton where I asked why they dont just use all grain and the answer was that the process takes a few days longer than when they add there refined liquid sugar.


She mentioned that one of the large breweries was all grain (Cascade I think)

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Hi Desa.


is it possible to make a all malt beer of any kind lager ale drught?

Your question really has two answers (IMHO).


1). Can you make an all malt (MADE OF PURELY MALT) beer of any kind lager ale drAught? For it to taste like beer? NO. It'll be ridiculously sweet & no matter what yeast you expose the ferment to, it won't taste like beer once it finishes brewing.


2). Can you make a beer that is very malt driven by its flavour of any kind lager ale drAught? The answer is YES you can. However there will still be additions of hops to balance flavours & add some form of bitterness, all be it subtle.


If you don't believe me, get hold of some Saunders Liquid Malt Extract from your local supermarket, add it into a fermenting vessel with about 8-10 litres of 22\xb0C water, & pitch about 5gms of brewing yeast at it, then brew it & drink it.


You'll have your answer right there. [tongue]



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