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IanH Spreedsheet: What compares to buscuit malt?


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Hey Henrik

Expanding on what Bill said - you can enter your own ingredients into the background pages - like additional hops that aren't there, or yeasts etc.

On the grain tab, add in Biscuit Malt, with the EBC and ferment ability (if you know it, otherwise take a guess). Maybe similar to Toasted Malt shown in the list.

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Yeah sorry, maybe I should have elaborated further [pouty]


If working with Ianh's spreadsheet, you need to ensure the hop AA% is correct as well. Otherwise obviously you are going to get incorrect IBU's calculated. It also beats having to change the AA% on the main page all the time then [joyful]


Have a good look about the spreadsheet, there are a few little things you can do to "customise" it [rightful]

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