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Pilsener Advice


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i put on a brew of Pilsener 3 weeks ago today.

1kg LDM + 300g dextrose. OG 1.040

temperature stable at 15-16C

there's a barely noticable bit of bubbling still.

It has only gone down from 1.008 to 1.007 in the past 5 days

Its crystal clear.


Should I go ahead and bottle, or give it a few more days?



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Two very compelling arguments [biggrin]




The reason I'd be leaving it is that being lager yeast typically people leave it about a month or more before bottling, then lagering it some more.


But I can't argue with PB2 LOL [innocent]

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Aside from the fact that Paul said to bottle it, I too would bottle it. With Paul's previous confirmation then it is set in concrete, BOTTLE IT [innocent]


No point waitin for advise from the rest of us plebs. He da man!!

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Oh good to know! I'll be doing a Pils in a couple months using the Heritage lager kit (dunno how it'll turn out), and I was under the assumption that it'd be "fermenting" for about 4-6 weeks, then I'll chuck the bottles in the fridge for lagering for the next 1-2 months.



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