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I am always thoroughly impressed by the recipe section that's available on the Coopers home site, if iam being honest it's been a few years since I last flicked through it, there's literally hundreds of recipes covering evey taste & guideline, 

I am wondering what Coopers recipe has been your favourite and (in your opinion) which recipes are the closest to there commercial cousins (prehaps excluding the Commercial Cooper's recipes.. i am sure they all nail it! ).  finally, what's a must, to try?

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Not closest to the Coopers commercial offerings, but my go-to recipe is the Nelson's Light. It's super versatile when you just want to try out different hops.

Edited by ChairmanDrew
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11 hours ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

I am always thoroughly impressed by the recipe section that's available on the Coopers home site, if iam being honest it's been a few years since I last flicked through it, there's literally hundreds of recipes covering evey taste & guideline, 

I am wondering what Coopers recipe has been your favourite and (in your opinion) which recipes are the closest to there commercial cousins (prehaps excluding the Commercial Cooper's recipes.. i am sure they all nail it! ).  finally, what's a must, to try?

It would be hard to choose a favourite in such an extensive library, however over the years I have tried many including the ROTM at times.

I tend to favour Ales/IPA/APA/Dark/Stouts but I am also fond of citrus/hoppy flavours.

If I had to pick 3, they would be.




But that's just touching the tip of the iceberg, there are many others I have made & like apart from the ones I haven't tried.

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🤔...It would be a great addition in the recipe section to have available another filter that you punch in what items you currently have at home & it brings up the recipes available relating to those ingredients you have, so you punch in what hops/grain/yeast /kits & Fermentables and it list recipes xy&z ...Just a thought not a criticism. 

As for recipes I've tried;

●The Green neck Lager recipe was a house staple quiet a few years back now its Czech pills.

●The Choc Liquor Stout was a winter staple along with the fabulous Extra Stout. 

●Julyburg was heaps fun to do, I brewed it  as a hoilday beer a (which I think might be the idea of it) a few times.

●Also I like my midstrenght beers so I've done most of them Aztec gold, Nelson light &Zephyr light, although I am really looking forward to brewing Voyage Super Crisp, by the way all the Voyage series looks fantastic I can't wait to try them


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1 hour ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

●Also I like my midstrenght beers so I've done most of them Aztec gold, Nelson light &Zephyr light, although I am really looking forward to brewing Voyage Super Crisp, by the way all the Voyage series looks fantastic I can't wait to try them


How was the Zephr Light? You're the first person I've seen who's actually tried it

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It was my first extract beer & I was frankly shocked how good it came up, it needed prehaps some carapills in addition to the crystal grain from memory but its years since I've brewed it.

...(Might be interesting to try as a midstrenght using 2kg of DME + 300g crystal + 200g carapills, maybe go hard on the galaxy &Melba).

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58 minutes ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

It was my first extract beer & I was frankly shocked how good it came up, it needed prehaps some carapills in addition to the crystal grain from memory but its years since I've brewed it.

...(Might be interesting to try as a midstrenght using 2kg of DME + 300g crystal + 200g carapills, maybe go hard on the galaxy &Melba).

The base recipe is really... basic. It's just the can and 100g of dextrose. I was always curious as to how that would come out, but never wanted to commit to having it occupy my fermenter for 2 weeks 😅

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3 hours ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

🤔...It would be a great addition in the recipe section to have available another filter that you punch in what items you currently have at home & it brings up the recipes available relating to those ingredients you have, so you punch in what hops/grain/yeast /kits & Fermentables and it list recipes xy&z ...Just a thought not a criticism. 

As for recipes I've tried;

●The Green neck Lager recipe was a house staple quiet a few years back now its Czech pills.

●The Choc Liquor Stout was a winter staple along with the fabulous Extra Stout. 

●Julyburg was heaps fun to do, I brewed it  as a hoilday beer a (which I think might be the idea of it) a few times.

●Also I like my midstrenght beers so I've done most of them Aztec gold, Nelson light &Zephyr light, although I am really looking forward to brewing Voyage Super Crisp, by the way all the Voyage series looks fantastic I can't wait to try them


Not too blow my own horn too much, but the Coopers Recipe Spreadsheet (click on the link), which I keep updated, can help with the concept you mentioned.

It is not fancy enough to enter what you have in your inventory, and then tell you what recipe you can make.  However, you can use it to see what recipes you can make if you have, say Galaxy hops.  Or if you have a can of Real Ale, what recipe can you make with it.  That is one of the main reasons I started my spreadsheet, why I still maintain it, and why I still use it.

When it comes to recipes that I like and those that were close to (or better) than the commercial version, I liked:

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8 hours ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

 I am really looking forward to brewing Voyage Super Crisp


I missed this on the spreadsheet when looking for something to do with my Cerveza can. I needed up doing a slight variation on the Turbo Charged APA which I haven't been super impressed by. (I also like mid strengths, you can drink more for longer without getting wrecked).

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Sorry mixed up Nelson light & Zephyr light in my earlier reply.

For the Zephyr light I made some recipe variations at the time, (I remember Kelsey giving me some advice on the forum at the time), I used a Cooper pale ale kit instead of a Draught  & I used about 120gs of DME instead of dextrose, I used maltodextrin & I primmed by bottles with DME, instead of sugar. Still came up pretty watery, it's hard enough brewing a midstrenght let a lone a light beer.

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5 hours ago, Herbal Alchemy. said:

Sorry mixed up Nelson light & Zephyr light in my earlier reply.

For the Zephyr light I made some recipe variations at the time, (I remember Kelsey giving me some advice on the forum at the time), I used a Cooper pale ale kit instead of a Draught  & I used about 120gs of DME instead of dextrose, I used maltodextrin & I primmed by bottles with DME, instead of sugar. Still came up pretty watery, it's hard enough brewing a midstrenght let a lone a light beer.

I was thinking your description sounded more like the Nelson's Light, if you threw all that at it as well as a Draught can, it wouldn't be very light anymore 😄


When I do the Nelson's Light I use 500g DME, 1.5kg LME and 250g crystal malt. It will be a little bit higher ABV than the original recipe, but for me it's just right.

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