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Ageing Beer


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Have been reading stuff about ageing beer, according to some they say that bulk aged, that is in a keg mellows quicker than in a bottle. Even to the point where one bloke said that 1 week in a keg was equivalent to 1 month in a bottle. If this is so I have come up with a cunning plot to achieve this in the FV.

What I propose is to remove the glad wrap on say day 7 and screw the lid on so as to seal the vessel. On the lid install a stainless gas tap. With the tap off the pressure will build up in the vessel. Now CO2 is heaver than air so the air will be at the top of the vessel, Open the tap and vent the air, turn the tap off and let the pressure build up, this should be all CO2 with very little air. Obviously if the pressure starts to get too high you may have to vent it a little more.

Leave the beer in the vessel for say 2 weeks before bottling.


One could also use a pressure relieve valve as well, so the pressure would only get to a nominal amount. This should have the same advantage as aging in a keg. It may be better to transfer the beer to a secondary vessel on say day 6 and then go through the procedures above. What do ya reckon?[roll]


Decided to go with the photos below. I am going to use a medium pressure OZ TOP as a pressure limiting valve.

The hole size in the lid is 32mm, I used the same hole saw to remove the flange of the bottle.


Now this is pure blether.[cool]
















So the question is should I age it in the FV or in a secondary?





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I don't reckon it will work to tell you the truth although I have no evidence that it wouldn't either. However, my reasoning is that FV's are not a suitable container to place under pressure and if done so then I would think it would be dangerous.


If by chance you could get away with something like this then you would also need a CPBF to bottle the brew. For the sake of buying a keg for around $60 I think it is pointless to even try.


Buy a keg, naturally carb it and use a CPBF to fill your bottles. This would be a hell of a lot safer and more likely to achieve a successful outcome.

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Working model.

Just trying this to see if the OZ Top works ok and do not get too much pressure.

The OZ Tops medium is designed for fruit juice bottles, so the pressure should not get too high.

Yea Bill to age it I think as you have said I should first do a transfer to a secondary .

This is real Brewing Blether.[cool]




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