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re-using Wheat Malt Extract


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Hi folks -


last night I did a recipe that only called for 1kg of the coopers Wheat Malt Extract, so I sterilised a glass jar, set it on the scales, poured out the 500g I didn't need into the jar, and went on about my business with the brew I was working on. The glass jar was later sealed and put in the fridge.


Now, here's the thing that later occurred to me - I'd had the Wheat Malt Extract tin sitting in hot water, along with the kit tin, in order to make them easier to pour.

Would the fact that the Wheat Malt Extract was heated (and subsequently cooled) have 'ruined' it, meaning that what I have in the fridge now is useless or a health/infection risk?


My only plans for it were to chuck it in my next brew, really just to get it used, or maybe use it for some sort of cooking?

Can you even cook with malt extract? A marinade or something?



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We supply bakeries, confectionary, condiment, breakfast cereal and biscuit companies with malt extract.


Sure you can use it in cooking. Substitute honey, or sugar with malt extract.


The process of warming it then colling again shoudn't be an issue for using it in another brew. 500g is a nice little addition with any recipe where you want to increase the alcohol slightly and soften the mouth-feel. [biggrin]

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Liquid Malt extract is relatively stable - assuming the jar is sanitised and it goes straight into the fridge, it should be fine to use without being boiled.




If you have doubts about any ingredient, pasteurise it first [biggrin]

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