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Cannot work up any enthusiasum for lagers anymore. Perhaps I have become a hophead. It is not only me I am sure as if you go to websites like the Beeradvocate or Ratebeer you will find that the top lager is lucky to average 3/5 while the there are hundreds of ales rating above 4.5/5 ?

Are you brewing with grain? All grain/part grain/extract. Or are you just doing kits only?

I just received the latest BREW magazine from the US and it has quite a few All grain and part grain/extract clone LAGER recipes featured in it.

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G'day Dave, I'm currently at this very moment drinking a lager I put together using the newly available Briess Munich liquid malt extract. And can I tell you what a difference this malt makes to the flavour of any style of lager you are trying to brew. Maybe not cerveza but a Vienna style definitely. The only great style of beer the world has forgotten but the Mexicans have kept alive for the beer lover to find on their worldly travels. Only wish that Coopers made Munich style malt extract so I could buy Australian made rather than USA made.


1. Coopers Canadian blonde

2. Coopers BE2

3. 750gms Briess Munich liquid Malt

4. 28gms Southern Hallertau 10min steep with the Briess MLM in 3L of boiled water.

5. 15gms European yeast


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How about an Oktoberfest lager? This one is in this months Beer & Brewer magazine.


Coopers European Lager

1kg Dextrose

500g Liquid malt extract

250g cracked Munich malt grain

150g cracked Caramalt grain

35g cracked Chocolate malt grain

25g Hallertau hops (30 min)

Tettnanger hops (steeped and/or dry hop)

Saf 34/70 yeast

23 litres


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The Thomas Coopers Pilsener is supposed to be good. I haven't tried it but have heard good things about it.


You could try this one:




Maybe add some additional Saaz for flavour & aroma.


I just about murdered one of them for my second brew, and it still came out tasting great. Instead of boiling the 25 grams of saaz I got in just malt and water, I chucked the whole can of pilsner in as well.[pinched]

Still came out magnificent though.

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