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Low temp yeast


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Hi guys winter is upon us in the deep south of New Zealand and I have been banished from brewing inside during our renovations. Apparently two fermenters bubbling away in the bedroom is less than desireable. I want to make lagers for the upcomming summer but the temp in my basement(which is where I will now be brewing) falls below 10degC or 50degF. Are there any yeasts that will work at this low temp or will the fermentation just not happen.

Any advice would be great. Cheers.


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Saflager S-23 and W-34/70 yeasts have a recommended fermentation temperature of 9-15C. So maybe if you wrap the fermenter up in a blanket or something you will be able to keep it within that range. Wyeast also have some liquid lager yeasts which ferment at 8C.

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Andrew, you mentioned your fermenters are bubbling away. Do you use airlocks?


If you do, switch to clingwrap instead of the lid & airlock...no more bubbling & the Minister for Fun & Finance is happy [cool]


...just trying to think outside the square...

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Everyone knows that clinwrap is a greiblies krypton [bandit]


Basically, you get rid of your lid and airlock and use a fresh piece of cling wrap secured with the O-ring from your lid (or a rubber band).


All the nasties (greiblies [cool] ) will be kept out by the clon wrap and the co2 will find it's own way out. Optionally you can put a pin prick in the cling wrap but it really isn't necessary.


Other bonuses are that you move your fermentor or take a sample without having to worry about sucking in some of your aircrock water....also you can see in the top.


Here is a pictographical example that I wheel out for my cling wrap rants [biggrin] .....




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My apologies Andrew.


I may have hijacked your thread about low temp yeasts [crying]


Another angle you could try is making an insulated box that your fermenters fit into. A cheap setup is a big box that is foam lined would to the trick. You could put a lamp in there to keep a bit of heat in. The light wouldnt need to be on all the time.


Ideally a spare fridge with a low wattage light in it would help, but with 2 fermenters you are going to need 2 fridges or one bloody big one!


Hope this is of some help. Sorry I can't help much with the yeast situation.



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