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How important is the yeast to the brew? I mean with respect to the specific batch. I mean can a general, quality brewing yeast result in a quality beer? Does yeast have to be specific to the type of beer being brewed?

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Specific Yeast is needed to get a specific style.


Lager yeast will brew lagers whilst ale yeast will brew ales.


As for things like wheat beer yeasts, all they do is they create some flavours that are well known for the style although if you get the Wheat Beer kit from Coopers it only uses the Ale yeast.


I am not a yeast buff but others may have some more insight for you.

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Yeast, in my opinion, would be one of the most important, if not the most important, ingredient to a brew. Without yeast you just won't get beer. As to different types of "brewing" yeast, then they all brew beer but it will depend if you want to make beer that is true to a particular style or not. If you just want to brew a beer that is only a drink then just get a basic Ale or Lager yeast. However, if you want to brew certain tastes in beers that pertain to particular styles then it is best to use the yeast that is formally used with the particular style/taste you are after.


There are some yeasts that can substitute for others but provided you are using a brewing yeast then you should have success one way or another.



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I have been using nottingham yeast for all my brews so far is this just a basic yeast?? If so what are some good ale and lager yeasts? I've noticed that the price of yeast can get quite high (around the $12 mark for a pkt) do the people that use these generally re-use the yeast to save money? and 1 more... what's the go with the liquid yeasts I've heard talk about is the liquid yeast better?


Sorry about all the questions but there is just so much to learn... I love it [biggrin]

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I had recently had a brew in, now bottled, that used US-05 but enlish hops.. er.. Goldings and... something, memory evades me..


Its an OK beer but in my opinion suffered only from yeast selection.. I had wanted to use Notto for it but somehow ended up pitching the US-05.. dunno what happened..


I had one of them last night and there is just something not quite right.. Im putting it down to Yeast and hops being out of style and plan on re-doing the batch with Notto for my next one so i can compare the two in a month or so. I expect a more rounded beer from the Notto and same hops


Pale ale base.. english hops.. american yeast [alien]


= Lesson Leaned with regards to style and yeast selection


my 2c

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