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Milky Toucan Stout???

Matty A

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Hi Guys,


I have just ran into something weird. I put on:

- Can of OS Stout

- Can of OS Dark Ale

- 500g of Dextrose

- Yeast from 4 Sparkling Ale longnecks.


This has been brewed at 20C and it has stalled at 1030 so I pitched some more yeast. Although the weird thing that I noticed was that when I was tasting the sample it smelt a lot like milk. Then I had a taste of it and there was a hint of milk (not sure if it was the smell giving me the flavor or not). Anyone else come across this or knows what would cause this.


At first I thought of infection but it isn't a bad smell or taste, just different.

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If only we could upload aromas.[tongue]


Just guessing:-


The smallest hint of diacetyl may present as milk-like to some people.


I hope it's not the early stages of Lactobacillus contamination as this will only get worse [unsure] [crying]

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I hope it's not the early stages of Lactobacillus contamination as this will only get worse [unsure] [crying]


Thats kinda what I was worried about, I don't want to bottle it if it has anything like that. Maybe I should just leave it for a couple of weeks in the fermenter, try it again and see what its like.

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