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Whats best BE1 BE2 or LDM?


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Hey guys


This is probably benn asked 1000's times but I can't seem to find anything that really answers my question.


I'm looking to buy some more supplies for my next homebrew and what to know whats the best option without spending a heap of money.


I just wanted some information on the uses of BE1, BE2 & LDM and generally whats best.


What is better buy out of the BE1 or BE2?? and why?


Alot of people say that LDM is the best, is this correct?


If I purcahse 1kg LDM do I need to add anything else such as dextrose etc?


Cheers in advance

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What's best is probably not the correct question because it really is determined on what you would like to do.


BE1 = 60% dextrose 40% maltodextrin

BE2 = 50% dextrose 25% maltodextrin 25% LDM

LDM = 100% LDM


Dextrose returns more alcohol per gram, maltodextrin adds more body and mouthfeel to the brew and LDM returns both more mouthfeel and more alcohol and will also add abit of residual sweetness to the beer.


I generally prefer to use LDM but I will also add 100g - 200g of dextrose to boost the alcohol content up a tad.


If you use alot of dextrose it will have adverse effects though.



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What's best is probably not the correct question because it really is determined on what you would like to do.


BE1 = 60% dextrose 40% maltodextrin

BE2 = 50% dextrose 25% maltodextrin 25% LDM

LDM = 100% LDM


Dextrose returns more alcohol per gram, maltodextrin adds more body and mouthfeel to the brew and LDM returns both more mouthfeel and more alcohol and will also add abit of residual sweetness to the beer.


I generally prefer to use LDM but I will also add 100g - 200g of dextrose to boost the alcohol content up a tad.


If you use alot of dextrose it will have adverse effects though.



Thanks Mate, that actually helps. I was thinking of splitting LDM and DEX I just wasn't sure if you could do that or it would taste good.


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Jarvo, taste in beer (as it probably is in all foods) is very subjective. What you find good tasting may not be to other people's liking. Conversely what may be considered a great beer recipe might not be what you are looking for in a beer[crying]


I have only put down about 5 brews. I am working my way through the range of concentrates noting what I add in fermentables & what I like (and don't).


I guess what I am trying to say is you will get a lot of great advice on this forum & everyone will have an opinion on what to add to a brew or what recipe makes a great beer, but until you experiment a bit & keep records of what you find good or not you probably won't know what your taste in beer is. That is the great thing about this hobby...enjoy[biggrin]

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