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Wine cooler to moderate temps?


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They appear to be small fridges so they should be OK. The only concern I would have with using them is the internal dimensions - are they large enough inside to accommodate a fermenter. The first one is only just wider than my fermenter & that is probably the external dimension. The glass door has its advantages & disadvantages too.


If you can get one for a good price & it is all you have space for go for it.


My personal opinion is a good 2nd hand fridge would be a better option, but that is just my personal opinion[cool]

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Some wine fridges will go from ~7C - ~18C. If you want a wine fridge then I'd get one of those as you can then do both lagers and ales. However, I am with Greg on this one. I personally think a fridge or freezer with a temp controller would be far better. Not only for brewing but you can cold condition and crash chill as well.


You could even stick a tap into it and dispense too if you really want.


You could get a temp controller and a fridge or freezer for less than the price you would pay for a wine fridge.


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Vintec Wine Cooler


I asked the same question a while back. I've used one for a lager. It holds the temp at 12-13 and all seemed to work well. I won mine in a raffle, I wouldn't think buying new would be worth while.


I have 2 fermenters, both fit in this cabinet fine. Just remove the shelves and away you go.

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Hi David,


Not sure what you were thinking of spending??? But check out the link below... A bloke in Victoria is selling these on e-bay...




I got one a couple of months ago and am stoked with it!!! [biggrin] [biggrin]

It goes from 0 - 28 degrees, digitally controlled and already has taps in it for pouring etc... Good for every type of beer you might want to make and as Bill said it is great for crash chilling as well. Might be overkill though if you are a bottler not a kegger [unsure] It looks schmik, does everything you want from a temperature controlled environment and of course goes awesome when the boys come over! It took me a few years to decide to upgrade to something like this from my bottling set up / cupboard fermenting environment but now I wish I did it from the get go...



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I was not planning on spending much. Was finding them on Ebay for around $80.00.

Wow the Dual Double Tap Beer Keg Fridge Kegerator Bar Home Brew as mentioned about is a cracker. However would have to sleep in the garage if I came home with one of these!

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A bit off topic [pinched] but I have one of those. They are good but I will soon get a chest freezer and convert it. Hoping to get 6-8 taps on it. 1 stout, 1 soda then 5 or 6 different beers [love] The I'll use the kegerator you mentioned to lager or CC kegs and I guess there are 2 more taps if ever needed also [joyful]

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