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My first ever Brew !!!!


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Hi all


New to Brewing and forums, so 'Hello' to everyone.


Just a quick question....I am now ready to bottle my first batch of Coopers Australian Lager, all indications are that fermentation has finished and final gravity reading is 1003.


I now plan to bulk prime by transferring my brew into my spare barrel and priming with coopers carb drops, (all 60 as I have 40 630ml bottles to fill) and then transferring it into the bottles via the tap.


I was planning to prime the barrel and then leave it for 24 hours before bottling, is this a good idea or does the brew need to go into the bottles immediately ????



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are you sure you are reading that right? 1003 is almost water!! a hydrometer should read 1000 in tap water.


what temperature are you calibrated to compared to the temperature of the beer you are testing?

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I now plan to bulk prime by transferring my brew into my spare barrel and priming with coopers carb drops, (all 60 as I have 40 630ml bottles to fill) and then transferring it into the bottles via the tap.


As mentioned above, don't use the carb drops if you are bulk priming. Just use sugar.

Also, don't transfer the beer via the tap alone. If by this you mean that you will put the bottles up to the tap and turn it on to transfer that is. You should have a bottler. Put this into the tap then you are able to fill the bottles up from the bottom which will reduce the amount of oxygen entering the bottle.


I was planning to prime the barrel and then leave it for 24 hours before bottling, is this a good idea or does the brew need to go into the bottles immediately ????

When you rack onto the priming solution, ensuring it is mixed through, don't leave it for 24 hours. You will need to transfer to the bottles when it is mixed.


Here is a link to a Priming Calculator. Use it to calculate how much sugar to bulk prime with.

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the first one is the worst one lol i have started priming bottles with 1 tsp of ALDI sugar it seems a lot better than all the other comercial brands good luck and happy drinking with patience and time the beer gets better and taster,just bottled a cheq pilsner with abv of 6.9% slight mishap with dextrose when pitching and just pitched a belgian golden ale at 1046. Yum and cant wait to drink.

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Thanks Trevor, I am a bit dubious at how it will turn out, I have put a small sample into a test tube this morning, smells great, tastes.. 'well as I would imagine a warm flat lager would taste'. Will be bottling tonight.


It is still slightly cloudy, but I am hoping a couple of weeks in a bottle will sort it all out.


What is the preferred secondary fermenting period for a pint sized bottle, I am hoping it will be ready for a party that I have planned in three weeks time.




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will really depend on a number of factors, temperature is one.. 3 weeks is still quite young but I have been known to be getting into them at that sort of time frame... I have a habbit now of doing 4 grolsch/stubbies with every brew... 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 weeks... I mostly make it to 6 weeks and its on for the lot[lol]

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Provided the bottles are sealed and sit at around ~18C then 2 weeks should be fine to carbonate. I start drinking mine at 2 weeks but it is still very young and should get better with a bit of age. 3 weeks should be ok.

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Darren, bulk prim at the rate of 8gm /L, boil some water and disolve the sugar in it,1/2 L of water will be plenty. Put that in the 2nd tub and run the beer into it through a hose carefull not to get air mixed in. don't let it splash. When it is full give it a stir, again don't let air get stired in.

Good luck.


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