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Greetings all from a noob

George J

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[lol] That's ridiculous!!! What are the chances of being so close. I did find a Coopers kit for $82...won't tell where though! (Until I buy it that is![cool] )


My brother has just put his second brew down, he gets his stuff from Bin Inn. Says they have fermenters for $50 if you're after a second one, or Plastic Box have options too.


Might have to catch up some day soon for a brew!

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hahaha.. go for it dude. grab the kit and get to brewing! and we have to catch up for a brew for sure.... even if it is for a commercial one!


I picked up my PET bottles from Bin Inn and then found that Switched on gardener has started stocking brewing supplies. The guy there says drop in after a week and he will have everything!


I'll probably go the plastic box way if they have food grade boxes i can use for brewing..


just got back from the races so stay tuned for an update on how my brew is doing. will post pix if I can figure out how to do so..


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That's interesting about SOG...have to supplement the income after their bust last year!!! [biggrin] Might have to go have a nosey.


Just found an auction on Trademe that includes about 4 fermenters, a heat mat and a few other things. Might keep an eye on it.


Will flick you an email soon so we can swap details...

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SOG still stocks bongs and hydroponic gear tho [joyful]


well I cant figure out how to post a pic from my hard drive.. so checked the SG and it is still at 1.010 since Friday so have started bottling. had a taste and its all good. tastes just like beer without the fizz.


lets see if I can wait a few weeks before i hit the bottles! [lol]


My friend gave me both his fermenters so I might set up 2 different brews today.

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just checked the bottles.. the brew looks much clearer than on Saturday when I bottled it. and there is some gook settled at the bottom of the bottles too. is that usual?


just put on another brew as well. couldn't find any Coopers so picked up Brigalow Munich Lager and the Brigalow brewing sugar.


No airlock this time.. just cling film [biggrin] and stuck it in the garage hoping it doesn't get too cold at night.

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Yep the gunk on the bottom is normal. It will settle out and become more compact on the bottom with age. Dpening on your preference you can just stop pouring when the sediment starts to come up the neck of the bottle and not drink the last little bit.

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Ok, bit of a stuff up with my Lager that I set up to brew last night. The temperature has dropped overnight and when I checked the fermenter this morning, the temp ranges between 12 to 16 degrees. I pitched the yeast at 24 degrees.


so when I get home, how do I verify that the fermentation has started or not. and if it hasn't, do I just buy some more lager yeast and chuck it in there?

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Thanks Muddy.. I used the kit yeast that came with the Brigalow tin so assume that it is lager yeast. doesn't that yeast work at lower temps?

I might just take the afternoon off so I can go home and watch them yeasties at work! [lol]

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just checked and the temperature is 16 degrees. there is condensation on the cling film as well.


from the Brigalow instructions "brigalow brewing yeast is a pure yeast culture specially selected for its tolerance to wide temerature variations (16 deg to 35 deg). however ideal fermentation temp is 25 deg to 27 deg."


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Well, its been almost a week since I bottled and I am having a terrible time keeping myself from opening one for a taste [crying]


I noticed while holding the bottles up to the light, that the brew has cleared up and there is a deposit at the bottom. Shouldn't it have taken longer for the yeast to settle?


I also noticed small black specs of something floating in a few bottles. I assume that may just be some crap that was in the bottle and I didnt rinse it out properly before brewing.[annoyed]


There is condensation forming in the neck of the bottle. does this mean carbonation is occurring?


and finally, my Lager seems to be coming along nicely. Its been 5 days so I haven't bothered taking a SG reading but there is condensation on the cling film and a think covering of foam on top of the brew... [love]

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George since its your first batch, open one and have a taste. It will show you how the beer is coming along.


Their will be sediment dropping to the bottle all the way till it carbonates and then it will all drop.


Sounding good from what I can tell but have a taste and see the little carbonation it has and the really green taste that it will have.


I like that you havent taken a reading for a while. For my first few brews I probably lost 2 longnecks worth in readings [lol]

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Bloddy hell! chucked one in the freezer for a while before pouring. i was expecting something that tastes similar to beer, but this is effing awesome! [love]


It has a cloudy appearance even though I was careful while pouring. And a slightly more bitter flavour than draught I buy at the pub. but man, I am bloody pleased with myself right now[happy]


after pouring, it held a slight head for as long as it took for me finish my first mug[innocent] lots of bubbles in the glass as well. i assume that's good, seeing that it tastes so damn good


Thanks you guys for all the advice given to get me to this stage. I am completely sold on home brewing now! [biggrin]

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George, once you build up some stock you can leave them longer, they get better![biggrin] [cool] some beers improve with age, especially stouts and ciders but all mature and get better.

Cheers Mark

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Yeah that is the plan.. I will open another bottle next weekend to check progress [biggrin]


just picked up another fermenter and a kit for an IPA and some brewing sugar.


Any advice on the IPA or should I just do the same thing I have done for the other two brews, which is to add the contents of the can and the brewing sugar and pitch the yeast.


also, when you say a "green" taste, what exactly does that mean Matty?

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I think I know what you mean now Matty.. I did taste something strange when I tried that first bottle. can't wait for this weekend so I can open another and see how it tastes after 14 days in the bottle... [joyful]


Nath, check out Bin Inn on heretaunga street. it is diagonally opposite big save furniture. I picked up another fermenter from him for 50 bucks the other day and he stocks all the coopers kits you would ever desire.. and if you do go there, get a loyalty card from them as well..

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