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I read AnnM's post about making SMOTY recently, and, as everyone was so enthusiastic about how good it tastes, i think i'm gonna have to make a batch.


But it got me thinking: is there a generally recognised, say, top 5 brew recipes of all time? Or maybe everyone has a different top 5, and we can see which one re-appear the most?


I was looking through the 'how to brew' recipes and some of them really do look amazing. Myself, I've only brewed about 10 batches so far so i don't think i can really give an authoritative best 5 ever... but i would say that the wheat beer, brewed with a can of Coopers wheat Malt Extract (instead of sugar), a little coriander seed, a little orange zest, and a spoonful of honey is absolutely amazing






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1 place = Coopers Wheat Beer + Coopers Wheat Malt can + some Hersbrucker hops, orange peels and about 4g of coriander.


1 place = Coopers Dark Ale + can of Coopers Amber malt + 500g DME + 500g brewing sugar/candy sugar/dark sugar


2 place = Coopers Stout + can of Coopers Dark malt/Amber malt extract make to 22 liters


2 place = Brewferm wheat beer kit + Coopers wheat malt made to 22l


3 place = Brewferm raspberry beer made per instructions - 12l batch.


thats the top kit's I have rinse and repeated at least 2 times and brewing them even after I have tasted my own all grain - just gorgeous beers.


I have to say that I've tried about 20 various kits from many manufactures including an oddities (for me) like Black Rock kits and most of the UK kit manufacturers - so far, Coopers holds a steady #1 place by overall quality, taste and reliability (no yeast duds so far while couple from Munton's kits) followed closely by Brewferm kits - expensive, but well worth try.


All and all, I can say only this - guys, you truly make possibly best beer kits for home brewing beer in da verse and, while I love my all grain brews, I still use Coopers kits cause I can make absolutely lovely beer in just about 40 minutes from clean kitchen to clean kitchen.


tho, you have to keep in mind that taste for beer is like.. taste gor gals - one likes mother, other daughter lol... at least so say we (all? :D) here.



dooh, forgot to mention Canadian Blonde + BKE1/2 and 300-500g light summer honey... cause my wifey drank it all lol... for this one you will need a bit more maturing time (honey=sugar=cidery smells that need to go away, usually 1-2 months in bottles) - steady #2 place in my top list


and, the very odd beer I like - Coopers Original Draught + can of Amber LME and fermented at 24-26C (yeah, oddballs'r'us for this one) - makes nice pear/fruity beer... oddly enough, I really really like it - probably because pear smell goes really good with the hops in the drauhgt.. and it fades in about 2 months leaving with lovely malty taste mixed with slight fruity notes - steady #3 on my list.


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