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Sparkling Ale


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I'm going to put a Sparkling Ale down sometime over the weekend and it will be the first time dabbling with hops so I was after an opinion please.


The only hops I have at the moment are about 50gm Citra so thought I would try this:


1 can Sparkling Ale

1 x BE1

500g LDM

Steep 15gm Citra for 10-15 minutes and add to the FV on day 4


It is basic but I don't want to go overboard in case I won't like it. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated but I guess it is like telling the difference between an apple and a pear.... i.e. suck it and see [roll]

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  • 3 weeks later...
I probably wouldn't bother with the steeping... Just toss them in dry on day 4

I tossed them in dry but when I went to keg it the hops got stuck in the syphon. I found this to be a real pain in the arse especially when I had to bottle the last 3 bottles where it kept clogging up the bottling wand. Last time I'm going to do that!!


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It's also a good idea to wait until you get an FG to dry hop. The hop oils tend to cling to the falling yeast,getting dropped out of suspension. That's what the science freaks say,anyway. I'm doing that now with a pale ale recipe I mentioned in another earlier thread. I'll be bottling that one next Sunday.

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It's also a good idea to wait until you get an FG to dry hop.


lol FG... what's that???... I haven't reached FG for almost all my brews. See post here.


I probably should have made a hop tea or used a bag like Philw said but I have heard so many people just throw them in so I did that instead. I'll know for next time though and I have some muslin cloth at home I could have used too [annoyed]

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A new chux, straight out of the wrapper, is the way to go. Simply roll the hops up in the cloth and tie the ends:




Then throw it all into the green waste bin once you have finished with it.


Leonard, the timing for dry hopping is not so critical with the tiny brew volumes we make [wink]

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