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Low OG reading...


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Hi Guys, Being an ex-pat now living in Canada I'm missing my european ales and have to suffer drinking local IPA or buy expensive imports. Anyway... enough is enough, just brewed up my second batch of Coopers in hopes of a decent pint [biggrin]


My question is, on both brews the OG seems very low(?) about 1.028 (@22 deg) where the instructions say typically it should be around 1.042. Therefore the potential ABV in both cases is below 4% - does this seem right?


I have a glass hydometer and checked it in water and it does read around 1 so assume its ok.


First brew was TC brewmaster selection IPA to which I added Spagnols 500g LDM & 300g of sugar.


Second brew: TC international series English Bitter, added 500g Spagnols LDM.


As the first batch has only been bottled for a week it hasn't had a proper taste test yet, although seemed fine when it was bottled.

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Hi there Scott, looking at the recipe on this site for Authentic IPA i think your answer is that your a little low on your additives. Therefore giving you a low OG.


This what the recipe calls for



\u2022 1.7kg Thomas Coopers IPA

\u2022 1kg Coopers Light Dry Malt

\u2022 500g Sugar or Dextrose



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I think John is correct. Also make sure that all of your sugars and extracts are mixed in well when you take the OG.


Anyway welcome to the brewing world and you picked the correct gear to start with and they should still taste pretty good when they are ready.

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Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.

John, I brewed as per the instructions on the tin and looking at the recipe's on this site this is the 'Mid-strength' IPA rather than 'Authentic'. But you have given me an idea though - think maybe the next IPA batch (starting next week) will be the 'authentic'. [joyful]


I'm trying to get 3 full batches done so they have a reasonable chance of conditioning properly before I drink them all. [lol]


Matty, thanks... I am looking forward to the tasting, about a week to go before cracking the first bottle!


Great forum! [smile]

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