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Dextrose or plain ol' sugar?


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As per usual, someone has always come up with a post regarding something I've been thinking about.


It seems that for everyone who isn't a fan of bulk priming with sucrose (raw cane sugar) there is someone who swears by it.


Let's say I'm bulk priming and after a desired volume of CO2 of 2.5, 13 degree ferment temp and 23 litres of Pilsener - I'll be using 125g of raw cane sugar to prime.


Surely that won't give me cider flavours?

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you are unlikely to get acetaldehyde (apple cider) from priming... the VAST majority of the flavour has been produced and you are only adding a tiny fraction of fermentables to get the carbing done.


Personally I say... why chance it.




IMO raw sugar is for cofee and breakfast... not beer

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When We first started brewing we used white table sugar for light malt beers. Our beers were always cidery when young but became very pallatable with age.

We have also used dextrose/ maltodextrin blends and found improvement over sucrose.

Currently We are predominatly using LDM with a small addition of BE 1 (it's easier than mixing our own). Our current beers are the best we have made.

We've tried both sucrose and dextrose for priming and couldn't tell the difference. We stick to the cheapest... sucrose.

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