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Coopers Cerveza


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Att: PB2


Further to our conversation on Tuesday regarding the Ceveza that I put down, It started off @ 25 deg for the first few hrs then I kept it for the last 4 days at 22 deg, it is now sitting @ around 18 deg, all activity has ceased, the head never had the pavlova look just small bubbles when the yeast was consuming the sugars !(does this meen anything) ? should I be concerned and if not should I bottle tonight??

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Mexican Cerveza is light in colour, has a lager/ale yeast blend and low bitterness - all these factors may cause less foaming (krausen) during the first few days of fermentation.

So, nothing to worry about there [biggrin]


Bottle once the SG is stable over a couple of days.

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I just bought a Coopers Cerveza and the guy at the HB shop recomended using Saflarger s-23 yeast.Does anyone know if that'd make a better brew? Or should i use the kit yeast? Also if i used the s-23 yeast id need to drop the temp to 13ish degree's right?


Cheers Mat

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I've never made Coopers Cerveza, but I've made another cerveza using s23 and had great results


yup. if your gonna use S23 you have to ferment lower than with coopers yeast. Its not as forgiving and will give you off flavors.

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I just bought a Coopers Cerveza and the guy at the HB shop recomended using Saflarger s-23 yeast.Does anyone know if that'd make a better brew? Or should i use the kit yeast? Also if i used the s-23 yeast id need to drop the temp to 13ish degree's right?


Cheers Mat


I brewed a Cerveza recently on top of an S-23 yeastcake I had made a lager from. Brewed around 10-12 deg C for 3 weeks and dry hopped with 25 gm Cascade, carbonated for another 3 weeks. Had a taste last night - B disgusting!! Still has that sulphury/eggy taste from the lager yeast. I'm going to stash it away somewhere and wait till summertime with my fingers crossed. That's my last effort with S-23 I'm afraid - the whole lager process takes too damn long for my liking! The lager I made before it is also undrinkable at this stage. [pinched]

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