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two can brews


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G'day all,

Just wondering if there is anything to be mindful of when brewing with two cans and no fermentables. I love my ESVA but would like to try one without the dextrose so I don't fall asleep in the last qtr of the footy!


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The dex is probably mainly there to boost the ABV. There are still fermentables in the kits - they are malt extract after all. I've never brewed the ESVA recipe and I never really used dextrose in my brews either, but I reckon it'd still turn out a nice brew without the dex, just a little less ABV which it sounds like you're after.[biggrin]

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Hi John,

Mate thats all i did with a few brews and you get a good drop on average 4.3% i'm guessing.

I started to put about 300gms of Dex now to get me just over the 5% and i am still awake at full time..lol

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