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I tried to find the thread called Next Step,where GrahamB GAVE ME A RECIPE,so i started this thread.

I was using crystal grains for the 1st time,put 250g in a 1ltr or so of water heated to a lite boil @ kept in their for 20mins{got that from somewhere i read}ended up very thick,not much liquid at all.I was expecting a soup like amount of liquid not a thick result.SO Brewers what should it have been like.

Cheers @ Beers


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Hey buddy,

You shouldn't boil grains of any description, you will release tanning's (black tea like taste) into the beer. With steeping in such a small quantity you probably wont taste it, but its not a good practice to get into.


The liquid in question should be 'watery' to answer your question, who knows what you did???? A little caramelisation isn't necessarily a bad thing, if it tastes like [sick] dont do it again, if it tastes like [biggrin] then be sure to let us know


There's heaps of info on the net about steeping grains but I shall point you to this resource http://www.howtobrew.com/section2/chapter13-2.html'>http://www.howtobrew.com/section2/chapter13-2.html


In fact John Palmer's whole book http://www.howtobrew.com/ is the unofficial bible of home brewing and although free to read on the net is well worth purchasing in softback format.


Im sure your brew will be fine, I can do a taste test just to make sure if you like??



Psst...tell me you don't buy your ingredients from Maroochy [bandit]

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Next Step


I made the mistake once not adding enough water to steep with. Yes it turns to thick porridge but I sparged after with 2-3 L water to try get as much out as possible afterward.


Next time just use more water and don't boil your grains. About 70C for 30 minutes or so is suitable.

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Thanks for that boys,just need a little more water & a little less heat.Graham i buy my ingredients from Les in clowntown ,i bought a couple of things from the guy in Maroochy early in my brewing career but i stopped going their when it struck me that i don't really like be treated like a complete MORON.

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i stopped going their when it struck me that i don't really like be treated like a complete MORON.


Wow. I must have really lucked out with my guy. Bill from Brewmaker in Adelaide is a bloody legend. Amazing prices, happy to supply everything in bulk if you ask, caters beautifully for AG brewers and kit brewers, and best of all, DOESN'T talk down to people. No affiliation etc etc.


I love home brew. [love] [love] [love]

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treated like a complete MORON.


I bought a pressure tested keg from him that had a leak and he tryed to tell me that I had changed the pressure release valve. He ended up giving me a new valve and testing it after I wouldnt leave his shop.


I have never been back since, but then he doesnt really stock what I need anymore, unless I want to buy my 2 row in 1kg bags and pay around $8 for the pleasure and $16 for 50g packets of Amarillo.

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