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Toucan APA


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Hello All,


First post to the forum so thought I would share a recipe since this is where I got the inspiration!


2 x Australian Pale Ale Kits

250g Dextrose

200g Medium Crystal Malt

45g East Kent Goldings (Dry Hop)

1056 American Ale yeast


Steeped the grain for about 45 min, added to the FV with everything else (except hops). Filled to 23lt, pitched the yeast at 23deg. OG 1044, fermented for 8 days. Hops added on day 3 (straight in). FG was 1009.


I am tasting one now after 2 weeks conditioning. Awesome hop aroma first up with a good head. Clear, golden colour. The maltiness is there but it is the hops that shine! Kit bitterness gives a good bite at the finish. First Toucan and dry hop for me & I strongly recommend both!

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Thanks mate.


Strange setup I know (Australian Pale Ale + American yeast + English hops)! Went with that yeast because I got a good deal from CraftBrewer recently. It was my first use of 1056 but was pretty happy with it, beer turned out clear and clean tasting.


I think the crystal malt helped take the edge off the bitterness, I have used this in less bitter brews and you do get a residual sweetness. I would consider adding more (250-300g) when combining more bitter kits.



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I would consider adding more (250-300g) when combining more bitter kits.



I may try another toucan with some crystal, Im drinking one at the minute with 2 sht kits, Brigalows and Tooheys (I figured I couldnt do much worse than combine them but the bitterness is pretty strong and dont tell anyone but I fermented them at room temp in QLD due to chiller space [whistling ... Drinking it anyway because Im a pig [biggrin] )

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A quick word of warning if you are going to put down one of these.


It can be a bit volcanic [crying] I would advise filling your FV to 18 litres & topping it up to 23 litres after the krausen has died down.

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One of the best toucans you can do imo is the Stout/dark.


Thinking I might be putting one of those bad boys down over the weekend!

You can't go wrong with such a simple recipe and it just gets better with age.

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