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hard apple cider


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A little experiment based on something I saw watching Craig tube.


6L Apple juice (non preservative/colours) ($2.40/3L)

Dextrose to gravity 1.080

Packet of yeast from Coopers pale ale kit

Hand full of rasins boiled and strained in


Poured into 10L spring water container sanitised and converted to fermenter with airlock and in my temp controlled area at 18\xb0c


I heard that gelatin is a good clearing agent so toying with the idea of using half a tsp a few days before bottling.


Ill let you know how I get on, all up cost me $7 and Im hoping on 5L of cider(ish) beverage, worth a shot and cant taste worse than a few of the cider kits I've failed at in the past [biggrin]

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I heard that gelatin is a good clearing agent so toying with the idea of using half a tsp a few days before bottling.


I Gelatin my kegs but have no idea about Cider. I would assume it the same.


I disolve 1 teaspoon gelatin in about 100mls of 70C water. Pour into keg and rack beer onto it.

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If you use Gelatin in your beer' date=' it is not suitable for vegetarians
derived from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones

I am not a vego myself, but just so you know [cool]

Yeah I knew this. It is funny how many vegies love their Jelly though. I ask people if they are vegetarian and if they answer yes, I ask them if they eat Jelly. If they answer yes then i don't tell them about the gelatin, if they answer no to the 2nd question then I let them know that Gelatin is in the beer.


If they refuse to drink the beer then that is fine by me [joyful]

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its fermenting really slowly, I have it at 18\xb0c and its bubbling every 15 seconds or so.


My temp control box is a chest freezer and probe thermostat and when I open the lid I get a face full of apples [happy]

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  • 3 weeks later...

My second brew to have finished fermenting this week.

OG - 1.080 FG - 1.013


Im very supprised at the FG I was expecting a lot lower, around 1.000 but Im glad its kept some of that sweetness and hasent fermented all the way out like it would have if I had maybe used a wine yeast, I would have thought the Coopers yeast could ferment over 9% ABV so maybe the thing has stalled?


I did want to carbonate this but Im not sure if the yeast has expired given the FG.


The taste is great at 18 degrees so I can only imagine excellent out of the fridge, you definatley get the alcohol hit and still very apple'y more like a wine than a cider and as you can imagine on the sweet side of the cider scale.

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