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Ideas for recipe using a can of Cooper's Nut-Brown Ale


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So, I've come across a can of this long-discontinued malt extract and am wondering if anyone can give me some ideas for making a batch of beer from this can. The expiration date is in 2004, but the can looks good and I'm thinking it'll be a worthwhile endeavour to brew this ol' boy up. Thank you in advance!

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Aye, Brother Biermoasta--the yeast is truly long gone, and so is the original recipe that came with the can. I'm just wondering what sort of mixture of dry malt and hops would accomodate this can.


I suppose I could simply just boil the can in the liquour and call it a day, and it may come to that, as I'd hate to muck this up with an experimental mixture of ingredients.



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PB2 puts his Nut Brown Ale recipe in this thread:


Nut Brown Ale


It is a toucan - Nut Brown Ale & Australian Pale Ale made to 23 litres.


Although you will be missing one side of the BEER TRIANGLE - fresh ingredients.


Let us know how it turns out. I am interested in hearing the outcome of using malt seven years past its best before date.

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