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Coopers IPA Kit


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This IPA brew is just my second batch and was curious as to why the light malt extract balled up like popcorn balls the size of baseballs when I added it to the hot 2L of water, dextrose and IPA mixture? As I stirred in the remaining liquid to the 23L mark the "balls" of malt appeared to have dissolved. I added then pitched the yeast, screwed on the top and it appears to producing gas as the airlock started moving after 15 -30 minutes. Did I add the malt too fast, thus causing it to clot into clumps?

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I hate when the malt does that. I normally add it a little slower and use some cold water to make it up to 5 L when adding it.


Not a bad thing, but it can give you a false OG (Only important when wanting an estimated ABV). Just let it sit there and it will disolve and do its thing over time and all will be well.

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Clumping can be reduced by adding the Light Dry Malt first - as per the instruction on the top flap of Coopers Light Dry Malt carton. [wink]


Here is a low quality

demonstrating the process.
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I always add the DME 1st,even when using a hop tea. Then add the LME,etc. The DME (Dried Malt Extract)needs more heat & a slow pour to at least get smaller clumps. But using boiling water taken off the heat will make the clumps dissolve pretty quick.

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