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one for those in the manly area


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Who here has been to 4 pines in manly?

It a nice place near the wharf - they brew their own beer.

Id love to brew something close to their pale ale. Which had a beautiful amber colour. A delicious drop.

I just cant go spending 10 bucks every time i want one so it would be awesome if i could come up with something similar.


Thanks :)

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Lachlan, the following is a very tasty amber beer.




1 can Coopers Pale Ale




15gm Amarillo for 15 min simmer

15gm Amarillo at 5 min simmer

12gm Amarillo at flame out steep 10 min

12 gm Cascade at flame out steep 10 min

23 L

This will give about 4% AH, add DEX TO BOOST


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its a must do muddy. really nice beers and atmosphere. only problem is its a fairly small venue. dont go on sunday night. always seems impossible to get in! they sell it in bottles too...theres a bottle shop in sydney rd in balgowlah that sells it.



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How good is 4Pines!! I love stumbling out of there after a few of thier Ales! You are so right though, pretty expensive![bandit] ...


I made a batch of the "Ashes Ale" that is on the recipe section in this site and it turned out a little like that ale down there so maybe give that one a go too... I included the 200g of crystal malts and it gave it a really mice strong flavour and I used Hersbrucker Hops instead of what the recipe called for. I highy reccommend it! [biggrin]

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Maybe the "mice" flavour might be better than some of the "Rats" piss I've made!![pinched] You slipped up there Ollie! They take no prisoners here![roll]




What do you mean I slipped up? Haven't you guys tried mice in your beers? [pouty] They are awesome[biggrin] !!

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My son inlaw goes to the Pines quite a bit. He reckons my Little Creatures and my Golden Ale beats their stuff hands down. He does however get me to brew him these products at cost. Do you think he might be bias?

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