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Fermantation stopped at 1025


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I am doing a Coopers Lager with BE1 and having som fermentation problems.


When mixing the brew I underpitched (16-18C) the yeast so the fermentation took about 72hrs to start. I then had good signs of fermenation with foam and krausen. Temperature stable around 18-20C. The activity has now stopped at 1025 (OG: 1040). Gravity stable for 3 days and no sign of activity. What can I do to get it going again?


This is my 6th Coopers brew and I have never experienced this problem before. I have a celebration ale standing next to the Lager and that has fermented from 1060 to 1008 (using WYEAST).


I have another packet of yeast (supplied with a Coopers Draught). Should I maybe bring up the temperature and pitch another sachet of yeast?


Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Hi Reidar

I had a stuck ferment the other day, but that was because the OG was 10 point higher than anticipated - I now have an 8.3% beer instead of 7.2% [pinched] For that I HAD to pitch more yeast.


For yours though, maybe you could try giving the FV a "whack" - there was a thread on this topic a few months back. Also maybe increase the temp a tad if possible. Not too much, 24 max.


Otherwise, you can pitch some more yeast as a last resort.


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Also maybe increase the temp a tad if possible. Not too much, 24 max.


I agree, also, sanitise your brewing spoon and give it a gentle stir, try to avoid splashing and you should get it down a bit lower than the reading you have now.


good luck with it, I know how stressful it can be, I've had a few like that but ended up getting them to where they should have been eventually [annoyed]

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