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Beer going flat in fridge


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Hi guys,


Im new to brewing and the forum and joined to ask this question:


Why is my beer going flat when I leave it in the fridge?

This is my first brew, the coopers lager kit that came with the setup. Ive finished a couple more brews since and they are currently conditioning.


I followed all instructions, no additions. This has only just started happening, i have drunk about half of the brew and it was

perfectly carbonated. I use the PET bottles as i havent saved enough glass bottles yet. They are rock hard before I chill them but go softer once I leave them in the fridge overnight.


Can anyone shed any light on this? Its so frustrating!


Much appreciated.

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I often find that I put rock hard PET bottles in the fridge and they soften up a bit.


But not to the extent that the beer is flat; the beer is fully carbonated. And the bottles aren't 'squishy', just a bit softer than usual.


I think it has something to do with the temperature and the absorption of CO2. But I'm not a scientist so don't quote me on that. I just know that my beer is still fizzy.

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This is simply due to the contents of the bottles shrinking as they cool. The amount of carbonation is still the same (ie. no carbon dioxide has escaped the bottles). It may however seem lower because the solubility of carbon dioxide is higher at lower temperatures. As the beer warms in your glass, it should become more fizzy. If you find that the bottles are too squishy and the carbonation level is too low, you can try slightly upping the priming rate.

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Thanks for the fast replys.


I figured it had to be something to do with the temp. What puzzles me is that i have drunk 1/2 of the brew and it was fine. This has only started happening with the last 10 bottles or so.


I find it only happens if they are in the fridge for a number of days. If I chill one down and drink it in a few hours they are ok.

Maybe the temp in my fridge is to low? The brew isnt to young or old either, going on 3 months i think.


Caps are tight and I primed each bottle with 2 carbo drops.

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