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A case of non-collapsing krausen


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I have an 'Authentic IPA' on the go - Coopers IPA can, 1kg LDM, 500g dex, US05 yeast, 20 litres.

It's 10 days in, FG has dropped from an opening 1054 to 1009 (stable reading for couple of days).

But the krausen hasn't collapsed, is still 2-3cm thick and up to 5cm thick in some places. Looks just like the middle stages of fermentation.

Any theories why krausen hasn't subsided?

Anybody experienced this before?

Am I right to bottle in a few days even with such a large krausen, given FG readings say fermentation has finished?

Would welcome any thoughts...



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Even though fermentation has finished why dont you give it an extra 5 days to condition in the FV anyway, then bottle it.I find it improves my beer leaving it in the FV for an extra 5 days to a week.


You can bottle now if you want the Krausen will have no effect as such on the beer but i would let it condition.

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A reason to leave it to condition is that the yeast hasnt finished its work, this would be the simplest way to put it. I have conditioned for 2 weeks in the FV after the primary has done its job, you would be able to go probably a maximum of 3 weeks and then things start turning a bit poo on you.

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US-05 can sit atop beyond when you might think it has reached FG. Give it a few more days and' date=' like magic, it will be there one day then dropped out the next. [sideways']


Thanks Paul...

Should I wait until it drops out before bottling, or is it okay to bottle around day 14 regardless of the krausen?


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