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Stick labels on bottle after using label maker program, not self adhesive labels.

Dj labby

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Ok, so i'm not going to tell you that there's a label making program on the coopers, as we all know that.


Ok, one of the reasons i found this site is because of searching the net for a label making program, then trying to find some sort of self adhesive labels or something like that.


What I ended up doing and i'm not sure if anyone knows, definatly haven't heard of anyone doing it, but I print the labels out at work on the work laser printer on normal paper, then use some Clag glue(yes that stuff you used to eat as a kid) water it down a bit and dip the back of the label into the liquid and stick on the bottle!!

Easy as that.

I found that if you use the self adhesive labels, they are a bugger to get off and cost a fortune. So after i finish my beer, i rinse out the bottle as normal then put some water on the labels, wait a minute and just peel the old one off....


Laser printed labels are the best as they don't run. Ink jet labels run and look like crap once wet.


Hope that helps those people out there that have been thinking about doing it but the price of self adhesive labels put you off.



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I can't remember what flavour Clag is. That's the clear stuff?


I began to think you had the solution to my problem; alas, not. I use an Inkjet :(


I was going to buy and try some, at least you saved me that.


Maybe try that other classroom snack - Perkins Paste.

Perhaps I'll have to settle for a wide border and apply glue to the edges only...

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Yah Clag is that white gluggy stuff!! It is pretty much flour water and salt i think. I know that clear stuff, yah could work, though clag costs bugger all and has lasted for probably nearly a dozen brews so far and only half used.


Try it with the Ink jet, I don't get much water on the paper when i do a quick dip, so who knows.

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I can't be arsed with labels anymore. I was printing onto envelope labels and they are easy and quick using Word but the glue on them is very stubborn when you wash them.


Nope. It's writing on the bottle caps with a texta for me now. e.g.. IPA 23/8/11 is an Indian Pale Ale I bottled on August 23 this year. That's all I need to know I reckon.

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All these options are worth exploring.

I like the sound of the floppy labels, Bill, will need blank ones though.


I keg the beer that my friends and I drink @ home, take my 7 litre party keg to BBQ's, camping, etc.


These days bottles are gifts or cellared. It is the gifts I wish to label.

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Thanks , Bill. I am very happy with it.


...and grabs you by the short and curleys.

LOl. So does the Beer!




My first attempt at cloning it & It involves a step mash so only made a small batch. Drew off 5 litres into the party keg & bottled the rest in 568 ml (pint) bottles.

The kegged beer was fantastic, I have nailed the recipe & know it will be better in the bottle over time.

I plan to give them to friends and family @ Xmas and reserve a few for me.


The problem is, I keep thinking about cracking one nearly every evening, so I feel I should have named it Temptation...


First version


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ot but i do remember purchasing a carton of that and finding it a very fruity drop and hard to have more hten one bottle at a sitting....


A carton? wow? where did you find that? I had to import a 6 pack thru a distributor.


One at a time is enough ! Great as an after dinner drink with dessert, especially a cheese plate

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