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Honey beer?


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I have discovered a very nice beer its fullers organic Honey dew beer, so i want to encorporate honey into my next brew, im presuming to use a coopers real ale kit and would be grateful for some tips on how to encorporate honey into the brew.



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I found that I didnt really have much luck when using honey. I added 500g of Bimble Box Honey to a Canadian Blonde and found that I could barely taste the honey at all. I just added it at the start of the ferment but I have a feeling that it is 100% fermentable.


I did wait a long time before I drank it so maybe all the honey fermented out.

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i got a wheat beer on the go at the moment. The brew shop i goto guy told me use home brand honey boil litre water take it of the boil add the honey to it let cool then add to the brew. I got few weeks before i can taste this brew see how it ends up.


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Hey guys, Ive just put down a honey brew here....


I used a lager base and chucked in 1kg of a locally sourced Blackcurrant honey, some dextrose and used saflager yeast as well...it's bubbling away nicely right beside me...


You are correct in saying that the honey "sugars" are fermentable, they will break down and not leave any residual sweetness - to substitute for this I purchased some wine/beer sweetener (non-fermentable) and added some of that in the hope that it will give a slight tang of sweetness along with the aroma and taste of honey.....really hoping I havent added too much - coz I dont want a lollywater beer....in hindsight I should have left this additive till after fermentation is complete - so I could add to suit.


23litres of beer with 1 kg of honey added is very sweet before fermentation begins...[crying]


So it will depend what "honey taste" you want - sweetness? or flavour? as to how you proceed....I'm hoping for a mix of both - so that you get a subtle hint of honey being used.....


I'll post the progress as it goes....



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Hi Mark,


I've done a few honey brews. They all have turned out well. These are my favourites.


Heavy Blonde Honey


Two cans Canadian Blonde

500g Honey

42g Cascade 2mins

42g Cascade dry hop

15g Cooper's ale yeast (starter)

OG 1.062

ABV 7.2%


Ginger Beer


1.7 Kg Mexican Cervesa

566g Amber Malt (liquid)

500g LDM

500g Honey

500g Ginger Root (fresh& pounded) 20mins

2 Lemons (halved & squeezed) 20mins

25L water

8g Chinook 20mins

22g Cascade 20mins

200g Dex for bulk prime

OG 1.042 fG 1.008


I have used the honey in the boil for both of these brews with around 4L water.


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