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after bottling


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hi I have been making my home brew for some time now, and now this time when I bottled my beer,after is ready to drink there is no pressure in the bottle and there is a sour smell to it I tried to see if the lid was tight and it was, so what could cause this problem

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hi I have been making my home brew for some time now' date=' and now this time when I bottled my beer,after is ready to drink there is no pressure in the bottle and there is a sour smell to it I tried to see if the lid was tight and it was, so what could cause this problem [/quote']

Have you tested more than one bottle and are they all the same?

What did you brew?

What was the FG?

Did it smell ok when bottled?


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Hi thanks for replying to my post, and yes out of 30 bottles there was only 4 that was ok, don't figger, if it was all of them then i no it was contaminated, I was thinking could it be the caps, I have used the same caps for 12 months now, could they have lost there seals



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4 that was ok, don't figger, if it was all of them then i no it was contaminated, I was thinking could it be the caps, I have used the same caps for 12 months now, could they have lost there seals




My take is that if 4 were OK then the problem is in the bottling.

I would think that it is more likely a sealing issue than a sanitation issue.

What type of bottles and caps were they - swing tops?


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I'd say it is the caps.

I wouldn't reuse them, I discard and buy new caps for every brew. They are only $2.95 at Big W for 30 caps.

A small price to pay when risking a brew.

Just use small side cutters to remove the ring lock left on the bottle too.




Ps. Sorry to hear bout your brew!

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I mark my PET.caps with a-1 down the side of the cap (silver pen) every use, when a cap has 4 marks i toss them out. I know 4 is an arbitary thing but this way i am sure of replacing the caps. Before I did this I had a couple of bottles that were flat and were like vinegar.[pinched]

I'd say the problem is the caps.[love]

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