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Has fermentation stopped?

Adam G

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I am trying, for the first time to brew my own lager. I am using the coopers DIY kit. I followed the instructions except I did not add the complete 1kg bag of 'Brew Enhancer 1' because I wanted to try and make a weaker (4%) lager. Because I didn't add all the brew enhancer I started to check the SG before the 6 days advised. My OG was 1.033. 3 days after was 1.023, yesterday 1.013 and today 1.013. Is my beer ready to bottle? Also I might add that since I've been setting up an account on here and writing this post the hydrometer now reads 1.017. I'm totally confused.

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bubbles will form on the sides of the hydrometer, this is why we spin it, to get the bubbles off..


You have done the right thing in waiting for it to finish, but just finishing is not the end of the road, once you have got to FG you should always leavit it for about 3 days (raise temps by 1'c if you have control)


This will let the yeast clean up any by products of the ferment and will result in a cleaner beer.


So my advice is to leave it for another 2-3 days, take another reading and if it is still the same you are good to go[cool] It does sound as if it's done though


What were the ferment temps?





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+1 to everything Yob said. However, I would have just brewed that lager as per direction. It doesn't turn out as a strong beer anyway. Then again, I keg so I don't get that extra .5% in bottles unless I naturally prime.

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