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Consistently low SG readings


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Hello all,


Was wondering if I could tap into the collective knowledge here regarding low SG readings.


I've put down 3 brews now, an OS Lager, an APA and a Sparkling Ale.


Every single batch was done with 20 L of Marble Hill spring water and 2L of boiling water. Starting off temp has always been around 22 degrees.


Using the Coopers supplied hydrometer, and always pouring off a bit and tipping it out before filling the tube again, the SG has ranged between 1.022 to 1.030. The FG for the Lager was 1.010, and the APA 1.009. The Sparkling Ale is still fermenting.


From what I've read the SG should be around the 1.040 mark, any ideas what could be happening?



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Since the FG was in the round about ball park, it could be that you just hadnt mixed in the ingredients correctly. This won't make any differance to the beer as the yeast will still find it but it will stuff up your hydrometer reading at the start.


Try testing your hydrometer in the water you use when it is around room temperature and the reading should be around 1000

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I've put some tap water into the tube and put in the hydrometer and I'll leave it a while so it gets to room temp. Right now its reading .995.


When I did the Sparkling Ale I gave the wort a rigourous stir to get it all mixed properly before I took a reading. It read 1.027.




Edit - I should point out when I said SG I really meant OG.

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Although I'm only a new brewer so this could probably be completely wrong but my 3rd brew was a sparkling ale done as per the recipe and started off at the 1.060 mark and FG of 1.014. My question is did you add all the ingredients from memory this is the Sparkling can a can of light malt, 500g LDM and 300g dextrose?

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I roughly pour the wort in the BK into the fermenter,then do the same with the spring water top off. Then take my long spoon & stir like it owes me money for 5 minutes. I wind up with 3-4" of foam this way. But I get more accurate SG measurements.

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