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Fish tank heaters for keeping fermentation at correct temp


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Hello first post from me. I checked the FAQ and did a bit of a perusal of the threads and couldn't readily see this topic. Can any one please explain the pro's and con's of using electric fish tank heaters in the fermenter to keep temps in the correct range now the cooler weather is upon us. I'm in northern NSW near QLD so we don't experience to many "freezing cold" days/nights nevertheless it does go outsde recommended temp ranges. If they are suitable what wattage do my fellow brewmeisters recommend ? [cool]

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Hey mate.


I myself used an immersion fish tank heater to keep my brews at 25', but I've been advised against it by a few on here. They say that because the yeast has direct contact with the heating source you can get off flavours, as in order to heat to the desired temperature, the heater is much hotter than the temp of the water.


I also have a heater lamp as a heating source, and I'm going to connect that up to a Thermostat and timer and just use that. I have an old fridge I'm using, so it keeps at a reasonable temp anyway.


The desired temp seems to me more around the 18-20' mark. [biggrin]



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Hi Michael

I am on the mid north coast and use a brewcraft mat under the FV. It is in the shed and maintains 22C during the winter nights. sometimes I need to turn it off during the day and back on around 5 in the arvo. From what I have read on tank heaters they can create hot spots in the yeast which apparently is not good.

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Thanks for the replies fellow brewers . I gather Larger is also the go in cooler months, my last brew (which was my 2nd attempt) was larger and it turned out great. My first brew was Coopers Real Ale (I think ? it came in the kit) and turned out tasty but weak in alcohol content less than 3%, 2 long necks doesnt even buzz me whereas I get a buzz of a single longneck of larger(I'm not a big drinker). So what are these heater mats worth $$ wise ?

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they also increase the risk of infection. It is best to not have any heat source in contact with the FV. The best bet is, if you can, to place your tub in an old fridge, working or not, and go from there. There are many ways to heat if needed once the brew fridge is established.


I picked up my heat pad along with 2 boxes of PETs an FV and some other gear from a brewing leaving the game ([surprised [sideways] for $50. The heat pad is worth around that on it's own.

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If I was to build a temperature control for my fermenter it would be out of a second hand fridge (that works). I would mount a heat pad somewhere in it and hook these up to a TempMate or something similar.


That way it will control the temperature for you whether it is too hot or too cold it will determine whch device to turn on.


Infact this project is in the works as I have my tempmate and heatpad, but am just waiting for a cheap second hand fridge.


BTW, I was hoping I could sit the heatpad on the floor of the fridge and have the FV about a foot or more above it

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I have used a fish tank heater in a 90 litre plastic tub of water that the fermenter sits in.

Works great. I use it now when making Belgian Golden Strongs and the like when I want a controlled temp increase over a period of days[love]

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