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Sanitising new PET bottles before bottling


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Had my first Coopers Pale Ale in primary for the last 15 days and tonight is bottle night using new PET'S.

I'm using the local home brew shops cleaner and sanitiser (Daves Pink Cleaner) to wash the bottles out then rinsing with boiled water.

Just curious, using this product it says soak for 20 min to sanitise. Geesh does this mean i need to fill and soak each bottle for 20 mins? then rinse each or can I just swill the mix around in each. ?

I have read though 'How to brew' and he's pretty firm on bottling lack of sanitation being the biggest issue to stuff up your brew.

Bottling tonight so don't want to waste a good brew on bad prep.



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if it says soak for 20 minutes I would be assuming that means you need to soak whatever you want to sanitise for 20 minutes.


I use starsan which i put 2ml of it in a 1L spray container and just spray everything. From memory it just needs to sit for 30 seconds for it to be sanitised. No need to rinse, just ignore the foam. Others use iodopher in the same matter.


By the way if they are new Coopers PET bottles, they don't need to be sanitised before use [rightful]

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No need to fill each bottle, just submerg the bottles to fill them and wet all surfaces then pour it out submerge again to leave 2 inches in each bottle. Once the surface is wet it is the gas that sterilises the surfaces.Leave that for the 20 min then rinse well.

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For future reference I'd recommend getting some iodophor or other no rinse sanitiser) instead of the pink stuff. Dave flogged me some of the pink stuff a few years back and while it worked ok (just ok) it was too much hassle.


Once you get into the flow of things it is easiest to always rinse your bottles out as you drink them. Then you can let them dry until you next need (or for PET recap them) and give them a splash of sanitiser when your bottling. Two of the best things I have for bottling are my bottle rinser and my bottle tree (both from Dave's). They make bottling a breeze and are well worth the expense.


One last thing, you mention washing the bottles out with boiling water (try it with a PET soft drink bottle and you'll see why) - This is a big no-no for PET. New PETs generally just need a wash out with water.

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Ok thanks. Will certainly get wither the Starsan or the iodophor. The pink was a pain to use.

Was referencing 'boiled water' not boiling water. Yes the PET would melt/disform.


Well bottling went well, tried the sample from the final FG reading. Colour as per expected, but gee no flavour at all, guess that's what I could of expected as I did cock up the added sugers due to a low/false OG reading. Lets hope with some age in the bottle it might be drinkable. Will be very strong anyway, thinking 6.5+ Ooops.

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